Beijing Renchuang Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Company Profile

Beijing Renchuang Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Founded in 1992, Renchuang Technology Group is headquartered in Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, Beijing. It is a national high-tech enterprise, a national innovative enterprise and a national "specialized and special new" small giant enterprise. It has R & D platforms such as State Key Laboratory for the utilization of silica sand resources, academician workstation and doctoral workstation.

For more than 30 years, the company has devoted itself to the development of "sand industry". Focusing on the resource utilization of desert aeolian sand, it has independently invented more than 1000 original invention patents with independent intellectual property rights, and won 5 first prizes of provincial and ministerial scientific and technological progress, 1 National Invention Award, 1 National discovery Patent Gold Award and 1 International Invention Gold Award; Independent industrialization has been successfully applied to seven fields, such as "precision casting with sand, increasing oil and gas with sand, controlling water with sand, prospering agriculture with sand, building with sand, controlling sand with sand and creating art with sand", creating a strategic new enterprise marked by using sand.




Registered capital


Pillar industry


Invention patents at home and abroad

Beijing Renchuang Technology Group Co., Ltd.
Beijing Renchuang Technology Group Co., Ltd.

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Unit:Beijing Renchuang Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Address:5th Floor, Block B, Jiahua Building, No. 9 Shangdi Third Street, Haidian District, Beijing



Beijing Renchuang Technology Group Co., Ltd. All rights reserved          京ICP备13002673号-1