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Rechsand Technology Group Holds 2023 Work Summary and Commendation Conference

From June 5th to 6th, 2024, a delegation from Nanjing Water Bureau, Yuhuatai District Water Bureau, and Suyi Group visited Renchuang Technology Group for inspection. Qin Shengyi, Chairman of Renchuang Technology Group, Li Zhangfei, Assistant to the President of Renchuang Technology Group, Executive General Manager of R&D Center, and Sun Qingliang, Deputy General Manager of Business and Production Center, received the inspection team. The inspection team visited and inspected the Longtan West Lake regulation and self purification project, the Zhongguancun rainwater and flood utilization demonstration project, and the Anningzhuang emergency flood control and storage tank project. The purpose of this visit and inspection is to delve deeper into the advanced technology and typical engineering cases of silica sand honeycomb self purification of Jieren Chuang Technology Group, as well as the successful application of silica sand honeycomb self purification in solving urban waterlogging and sewage treatment in the field of water affairs.

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Address:5th Floor, Block B, Jiahua Building, No. 9 Shangdi Third Street, Haidian District, Beijing



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